Page name: ^Real Vampires^ [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-26 01:49:38
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Best Wiki Award

May 2005



Created By [FireGypsy]

This is a Wiki dedicated to the truth about real Vampires in the world today.

Though they are not like the myths and faery tales you have heard, there are, in fact, real Vampires out there.

Vampires, in myths and tales, are immortal, bloodthirsty creatures who stalk and kill humans and drink their blood to obtain the energy they need to stay alive. For centuries, literature and movies have portrayed vampires as such. Oh the other hand, real Vampires are not like that at all. There are even some Vampires that choose to spell it "Vampyre" and with using the alternative spelling hope to differentiate themselves from the mythical Vampires.

Real Vampires are not immortal. They are not allergic to sunlight, silver, or garlic, or holy objects and a steak through the heart will kill anyone. Actually, a lot of vampires are Christian, so religion has nothing to do with vampirism. To get rid of the confusion, Vampires are completely human, except for a few traits. They tend to heal faster than humans and they need extra energy from a source other than food. Now when i say "need" i do not mean if they dont get this extra energy that they will die.

Also, Vampirism is not a religion. A religion is a chosen lifestyle based on a certain God and certain beliefs on that god. Vampires are born Vampires wether they like it or not. There is no choice in the matter. Vampires have no God they worship, and that includes satan (since a lot of people like to call us satanists).

There are a few kinds of vampires.

Sanguine Vampires. This is the most known type of Vampire. When most people hear the word Vampire they think bloodsucker right? Well its true. Sanguine Vampires are the kind that drink blood. Unlike the myths, they dont stalk humans and kill them. They have specific human donors who are completely willing to what goes on between the Vampire and them.

Psychic (Psy) Vampires. A person who preys on the life energies of others. They are the type which have the ability to manipulate energy. Some Psy Vampires dont even know what they are or what they do. They tend to steal the energy around them without knowing it. When the awakening process occurrs with a Psy Vampires, he/she will start to notice that he/she is doing such.

There are several methods a Psychic Vampire can use to gain energy. There are Emotional Vampires that use attention getting behaviors to get people's attention on them emotionally and draining the emotional energy. There are Sexual Vampires whcih feed directly upon the sexual energy created by their partners during sex. There are Pranic Vampires which feed directly on human vital energy. They will pull the energy to them from accross a room or they may drain it with a touch.

Whichever one a Vampire has traits for, its all for the same purpose. Its all to gain extra energy for themselves. Wether they feel their bodies do not create enough energy or they feel they have a high spiritual metabolism and their body uses energy faster then their bodies can produce it. Every Vampire is different. Therefore every Vampire will have different traits and symptoms along with abilities.

Vampires live by a certain code. Its called "The Black Veil". Any vampire who knows his/her community well knows this code.


The Black Veil was composed by Father Sebastian Todd in 1998 and revised by Michelle Belanger of House Kheperu In 2000 and again in 2003. The Black Veil as it stands now is purely a set of guidelines and moral suggestions.


Respect yourself and present yourself so that others also respect you. Take care in who you reveal yourself to. Explain what you are, not to shock, but to teach and to inform. Do not flaunt what you are, and know that whether you want them to or not, your actions will reflect upon the rest of the community.
 Share your nature only with those with the wisdom to understand and accept it, and learn to recognize these people.


Among us, there are many different practices and many points of view. No single one of us has all the answers to who and what we are. Respect each person's individual choices and beliefs. Learn about them and share what you know. Our diversity is our strength, and we should not allow misunderstanding to weaken our community.
 Find the path that is right for you and uphold this freedom for others.


Do not allow your darkness to consume you. You are more than just your hunger, and you can exercise conscious control. Do not be reckless. Always act with a mind toward safety. Never feed because you think this makes you powerful; feed because this is what you must do.

Be true to your nature, but never use it as an excuse to endanger those around you.


Give respect to those who have earned it. Anyone can claim a title, but a true leader will prove him or herself through dedication, hard work, and great deeds. Even so, leaders should be guides and not dictators. Look to them as examples, but always decide for yourself what you must do.

Respect the person, not the position, and understand that your choices are always your own.


Know that there are repercussions to every action, and that you alone are responsible for your decisions. Educate yourself about risky behaviors, then always act with wisdom and common sense. Do not allow others to abuse you, but also, do not selfishly abuse.


Feeding should occur between consenting adults. Allow donors to make an informed decision before they give of themselves to you. Do not take rapaciously from others, but seek to have an exchange that is pleasant and beneficial for all.

Respect the life that you feed upon and do not abuse those who provide for you.


Reach out to others in your community. Exchange ideas, information, and support. Be hospitable to others, and appreciate hospitality when it is extended to you. Do not engage in illegal activity, for this can endanger us all.

Seek to nurture our community and support all those who do the same.

That is all I, myself, can teach you. Here is a list of sites which deal with real Vampires in the world today.

^real vampires members^ Come here to join this wiki.
^Banners^ To put in your house and show support or to post ones you have made.
^Questions^ For those of you who have questions and would like answers.
Ive started an RPG for this wiki. Just go to ^Real RPG^ and read the instructions.

Sasha's Wikis
Other wikis I have made.

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: A vampire? *Turns head to the side, Dagda in her lap*

2005-03-29 [*_*]: no i am not i am a werewolf it says upthere and who is ?Dagda?

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: My kitten of doom *Cuddles* I'm a vampire

2005-03-29 [*_*]: well i amtold Dagda and vamps dont get a long to well why :(

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: I love kittens, in life and in death *Smiles as Dagda chases his tail* Their a vision of the innocene i could never find in myself

2005-03-29 [*_*]: lolhugs u

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: *Giggles* Although my parents say I'm the most hyperactive child they have, and the silliest *Smiles brightly*

2005-03-29 [*_*]: lolyour so cute

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: *Giggles* Thank you, you're cute too *Plays with hair, smiling* A cute puppy

2005-03-29 [*_*]: *arrrrrr * rols over *

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: I get your belly! *Scratches belly, giggling*

2005-03-29 [*_*]: yaya nips u lightly

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: *Giggles* Aw *pets*

2005-03-29 [*_*]: rols over puts hed in lap

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: *Smiles* Cute puppy

2005-03-29 [*_*]: thxs well u got a pic of u ?

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: No, I'd break a camera

2005-03-29 [*_*]: aww ok

2005-03-29 [Bloody Tears]: ^_^ Just tellin the truth *Watches Dagda walk up and inspect him, then walk away, stamping him with a seal of approval*

2005-03-30 [*_*]: who is he?

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: *walks in in her wolf form and sees [*_*] acting like a common dog and growls slightly*

2005-03-30 [*_*]: *grawls back* i was haveing fun with some one she peted me to day

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: *changes into her human form* but rolling around like a common dog? *shakes her head* no very lycan like of you my friend

2005-03-30 [Bloody Tears]: *Looks at her* Leave him alone, we are all goverened by our own laws. *Dagda hops over and curls up on Q_Q laps*

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: *glances over* ah my friend i do not think it wise to get in a conversation with one like me. *looks back at Q_Q and changes into her wolf form again* if your going to act like a dog at least look like one

2005-03-30 [Bloody Tears]: Leave him be

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: *growls* i'll do what i wish with him. after all he is my pupil

2005-03-30 [Bloody Tears]: You're pupil, not your slave or your fledgling *Eyes grow dark*

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: *growls angrily* he needs to learn to shift and i'm trying to teach him and if he wants to act like a dog he MUST look like one. It's a way for him to shift he has to want something bad enough. *lays on the ground looking at you*

2005-03-30 [Bloody Tears]: I don't care, I'm a vampyre, yet I act differently and still have my human innocence and carelessness. My father and mother still love me despite it.

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: ah yes you are a vampyre but he is a lycan. two very different creatures.

2005-03-30 [Bloody Tears]: Different species, not different in heart, unless you make yourself that way

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: *sighs stands and trots out* Kev you know where i'll be. if you want or need anything just ask.

2005-03-30 [*_*]: wow this is all about me ok allwow u to be happyok *hugs *Celtic Cross*   walks over and says its ok she is myteacher ok illbe ok *hugs* Bloody Tears thxsfor lookingout forme u to crys a bit wow i need a wiki for me all u are helping me 

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: *trots into the woods*

2005-03-30 [*_*]: hey u comeback look i needto go to bed but ill be on tomarow kk

2005-03-30 [*_*]: hey u comeback look i needto go to bed but ill be on tomarow kk  hey what do u think of a wiki for me would any pone like to mack it for me ?

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: i'll do one just send me what you want in it and i'll make it.

2005-03-30 [*_*]: ok hugs well a wiki all about me and peoeplthat are firends and where peopel that like me can go

2005-03-30 [Beloved Promise]: just send me a message alright? *turns and walks into the woods* i'm hungry

2005-03-30 [*_*]: ok hugsnight sis

2005-03-30 [FireGypsy]: You guys, i made an RPG, check it out under stuff and make sure you read the instructions before starting.

2005-03-30 [Bloody Tears]: Okay ^_^

2005-03-30 [*_*]: ok

2005-03-30 [Malidar]: Stop doing it wrong.

2005-03-30 [FireGypsy]: what?

2005-03-31 [*_*]: doing what

2005-03-31 [Amalaswinta]: well? don't you see? "It" (whatever "it" may be lol)

2005-03-31 [Bloody Tears]: Yay, okay I joined the RPG and made my charcter *Happy smiles*

2005-03-31 [FireGypsy]: awesome! It should be fun =D

2005-03-31 [Bloody Tears]: ^_^

2005-03-31 [~Lord Sameth~]: *The Vampire Lord watches from afar* "They grow... Both in number and potential... I hope for their sake they will join" *penetrating eyes hold their gaze upon the clan*

2005-03-31 [Bloody Tears]: Hey Lord Sameth, RPG with me in RPG room?

2005-04-25 [freak with out a leash]: hi

2005-04-25 [FireGypsy]: Hellow! and Welcome!

2005-04-25 [*_*]: hey all

2005-04-26 [Jane Senero]: hello

2005-04-26 [*_*]: whats going on u a vamp

2005-04-27 [kdfjhg]: im not a vamp myself, i just like to drink blood

2005-04-27 [Jane Senero]: I am both with blood and the phy-c thing

2005-04-27 [*_*]: lolkool kool

2005-04-27 [Jane Senero]: ^.^

2005-04-27 [*_*]: <`_`>

2005-04-27 [CHiNA FACE]: drinking blood makes you constipated.

2005-04-27 [*_*]: dose it realy

2005-04-28 [FireGypsy]: lol i dont think it does. =)

2005-04-28 [*_*]: o ok good

2005-04-28 [kdfjhg]: no it doesn't!! i've had enuf that i got myself sick but that waz all. it didn't stop bleeding and i couldn't drink nemore so i just let it bleed onto paper... much fun..! hehehe

2005-04-28 [*_*]: lol ok

2005-04-28 [FireGypsy]: yeah, too much consumption of blood will make you sick.

2005-04-28 [*_*]: lol well it should not maybe if u keep drinking it u can become one pure vampier

2005-04-28 [iCh3wi]: WOW! I havent been to this wiki since I joined as the 5th member, it has grown oooooooooooooo so much

2005-04-28 [FireGypsy]: lol [*_*] your either born a vampire or human, there is no "pure" and "impure". Hey silenced! Yeah we have grown a lot =) i hope to keep growing! Hear that everyone! Go spread the word and tell all your friends lol!

2005-04-28 [*_*]: thxs for the up date well yeah

2005-04-28 [Beloved Promise]: but you see he was born neither. *grins* i wasn't either.

2005-04-28 [*_*]: lol*grins* lol

2005-04-28 [Beloved Promise]: *looks over and smiles* Wyrm/Gaian all the way baby!!

2005-04-28 [*_*]: lolhell yeah

2005-04-29 [kdfjhg]: im a nothing!!! hehehe... i try not to exsist. blood will make you sick if you have too much... i should know

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: unless it's accompanied by meat

2005-04-29 [kdfjhg]: true that

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: speaking of meat i think my mate just brought some home. Yum i'm starving. Be back in a few....

2005-04-29 [*_*]: lol yay i need some

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: *growls* not for you

2005-04-29 [*_*]: *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* stits down looking at u *

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: *her eyes turn blood red and she resumes eating*

2005-04-29 [kdfjhg]: i had chicken!! ^_^ hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: *looks up* raw or cooked??

2005-04-29 [kdfjhg]: from da store... mmm... chicken... even tho i fed half of the breast to my doggy, wazn't that hungry

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: Raw is better

2005-04-29 [kdfjhg]: i don't care wat i eat... however i don't want food, im thinking of going on a fast again

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: O.o if you go on can i join??

2005-04-29 [kdfjhg]: sure... i go for a week or two untill my parents notice and try to feed me

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: okies... O.o my mate'll kill me but whatever

2005-04-29 [iCh3wi]: I usually fast during the week days. No breakfast or luch, only dinners. weekends im always at parties, so i ususally eat only a few things then.

2005-04-29 [*_*]: what the hell

2005-04-29 [iCh3wi]: what?

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: I don't eat a lot anyways even though i probably should... i dunno whatever

2005-04-29 [kdfjhg]: i only eat dinner becuz my parents make me. i don't eat breakfast or lunch becuz those meals i can control

2005-04-29 [FireGypsy]: i eat whenever i can. Im one hungry person.

2005-04-29 [Amalaswinta]: seems to me there's quite a number of slightly anorexic vamps here...

2005-04-29 [Malidar]: I'm not one of them.

2005-04-29 [*_*]: lolyerah u guse thay are

2005-04-29 [Malidar]: I'm not even a vampire...

2005-04-29 [*_*]: i am not i am a werewolf

2005-04-29 [Ajsinnott]: bpp

2005-04-29 [*_*]: ??

2005-04-29 [Malidar]: I'm just a regular... Umm... Yeah. That's what I am..

2005-04-29 [iCh3wi]: Hmmm, I'm part vampire I think.

2005-04-29 [*_*]: well i am nothing

2005-04-29 [*_*]: well i am nothing but a werewolf

2005-04-29 [Beloved Promise]: I'm half wyrm and half gaian. Gotta love it

2005-04-30 [FireGypsy]: wyrm? Gaian?

2005-04-30 [FireGypsy]: oh and you cant be part vampire, your either born a vampire or human, there is no inbetween. Though all vampires are completely human except for the fact they their body needs an extra form of energy.

2005-04-30 [Beloved Promise]: actualy you can be born part vampyre love. I'm a hybrid. part wyrm (vamp) and part Gaian (wolf)

2005-04-30 [Solitiaum]: ACTUALLY technically vampires are sterile because theyre DEAD.

2005-04-30 [Beloved Promise]: not if you were created. And not all vampyres are sterile. How do you propose a vamp is born without a bite??

2005-04-30 [Solitiaum]: Thats rather the point. They arent. I wasnt. The first vampire is said to be Cain, that that would be his punishment for killing his brother Able. Everyone that he came in contact with and bit became a vampire. The ones he bit became second generation. The ones his children (the 2nd gens) bit became 3rd generation and so on and so forth.

2005-04-30 [Beloved Promise]: only natural born are sterile. but elders are not sterile.

2005-04-30 [FireGypsy]: uh oh! I think everyone is becoming confused with the mythological vampire again. This wiki is about real vampires. There is no being bitten or being turned. Its impossible. There is nothing in a vampires saliva that is capable of altering the human body. Second off. All vampires are alive. Non are dead. They are not immortal. They are born like humans, and die like humans. Sunlight doesnt harm them nor does garelic or holy objects.They dont live any longer than a human either. They dont fly nor do they go around biting and attacking people. They are just people like everyone else. They are human, but they just have some special abilities and needs. There are no elders for all vampires die

2005-04-30 [FireGypsy]: just like everyone else. Im not sure what you all mean by sterile, but im sure it has to do with the mythological factor of vampires. Remember, vampirism is more of an imbalence in the bodies energy. Thus they try to quench it in vampiric ways.

2005-04-30 [Solitiaum]: Im speaking of lore, yes. The term vampire is relative to my condition. I wasnt born this way, my mother made me this way with her emotional and physical abuse...

2005-04-30 [FireGypsy]: That could also be a cause of it. Ive heard of several cases like that. But a lot of people started mentioning biting and such and i was like whoa that off the subject of real vampires. and i had to post a little reminder.

2005-04-30 [Solitiaum]: *nodnod*

2005-04-30 [Beloved Promise]: all of that is wrong.

2005-04-30 [FireGypsy]: all of what is wrong?

2005-04-30 [Beloved Promise]: *points to the above posts* but i'm not gonna even fight about it

2005-04-30 [FireGypsy]: my post?

2005-04-30 [Beloved Promise]: the ones that you wrote yes but i'm not gonna bitch about it because i really don't care anymore i am what i am and what i am is true

2005-05-02 [Dwemer]: Please, No One, RavenD. has put a lot of work in her research, so she's just right OK

2005-05-02 [Malidar]: Just because someone puts alot of work into their research doesn't automatically make them right.

2005-05-02 [sxy random rocker]: people are entitled to their opinions, i agree with RavenD but No One is allowed to disagree. x

2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: I too agree with Ravendark's research, but I also think that no one is ever 100% correct, maybe 99.9%, but never the full 100. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on this wiki, it shows how each one of us is unique in certain ways. I'm part human and part vamp, No One is part vamp and part wolf, see the uniqueness?

2005-05-02 [FireGypsy]: yes but for *all* of my information to be incorrect, thats just not right.

2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: True, No One shouldnt have accused you of all of the info being wrong, that was not right. I think its fairly accurate myself, especially since I don't knowmuch about what I am (vampyre), anyways.

2005-05-02 [Malidar]: I never said she was incorrect. I merely mentioned that she (and no one) is correct solely because of thef act that they put alot of work into something.

2005-05-03 [FireGypsy]: no, your not the one that said my info was wrong, no one of importance did.

2005-05-03 [iCh3wi]: I wasn't saying you were the one who accused her [Malidar], I was meaning someone else. Sorry if there was a mix up.

2005-05-05 [hottblonde-girl]: hi people

2005-05-05 [FireGypsy]: Hellow!

2005-05-05 [VladTepes]: My nade Is Vlad john Markish Tepes

2005-05-05 [kdfjhg]: really...

2005-05-05 [iCh3wi]: Kewl name, is it Russian? I love Russianish things

2005-05-05 [FireGypsy]: my name is russian. My name is Sasha

2005-05-05 [iCh3wi]: I LIKE IT!

2005-05-05 [kdfjhg]: no... Vlad Tepes goes wwwaaayyyy back....

2005-05-06 [Malidar]: Uh huh...

2005-05-07 [lean back]: BOMBS

2005-05-07 [*_*]: hey all

2005-05-07 [iCh3wi]: Buenos Noches

2005-05-07 [FireGypsy]: lol

2005-05-07 [iCh3wi]: *sings My Chemical Romance* . . . . . .I'm not Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. . . . . . .. .. .. . . .

2005-05-07 [sxy random rocker]: in the middle of a gunfight, in the centre of a restaurant, they say.....come with your arms raised high!

2005-05-07 [chevyjuggalette]: :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P silly humans :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P

2005-05-07 [*_*]: grrrr sists down looking around

2005-05-07 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: May I join this wiki plz?

2005-05-07 [chevyjuggalette]: bueno nacho everyone!!!!!!!

2005-05-07 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Tilts her head* .....

2005-05-07 [Malidar]: RAWR!

2005-05-07 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Her wings twith* ok...this doesnt seem like a vampirc place.

2005-05-08 [kdfjhg]: it waz when i first joined... im second member...

2005-05-08 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Well I dont see a point in comming here if none of your kind act like they should. *she flares her wings* I will be taking my leave now.

2005-05-08 [kdfjhg]: well, really, do we have to "flare wings" and shit like that????

2005-05-08 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Well. It is part of wo I am so yes. *She jumps up and hovers a moment* You have gone foolish like all the other corupted vapires here. If you were a breed like me then you would know how to act. *She speeds upward and dissapperes*

2005-05-08 [chevyjuggalette]: wow chick u kno we're supposed to be hiding *tightens long black coat evidentally hiding something* dont just give urself away to these people u dont kno....*walks aroung the corner and disapears*

2005-05-08 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *her voice comes in "I dont care if people hunt me. Thats how I have lived all my life. Besides. If people here are suposedly like me then why do I have to worry?" Her voice fades*

2005-05-08 [iCh3wi]: I feel sometimes I should hide from my own kind as well in times of trouble. *Grabs Leather /trench Coat and disappears into the night* (without flaring)

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: lol we are not supposed to be hiding, we are just supposed to watch who we reveal ourselves to. This wiki is vampire based so its okay o be who you are here.

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: sure shadofang, jus edit the page and add yourself =)

2005-05-08 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Thanks. I might not be arund as much. As I said before. I am hunted. *She sais as she apperes on the roof*

2005-05-08 [kdfjhg]: i don't have wings. i just have a lust for blood and very sharp teeth... they tried to fix them with braces.. didn't work too well.

2005-05-08 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I have wings, pointed ears, sharp fangs, a wolf tail, controll of fire and a long history behind it all.

2005-05-08 [shardae le fae]: *appears in a dark corner, blonde hair reaching past her shoulders, blue eyes staring from underneath her hair* Hello.

2005-05-08 [ickle mrs bozwell]: can i join the wiki plz?

2005-05-08 [shardae le fae]: read the wiki page!

2005-05-08 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *she jumps down from the roof and enters, her cloak draped over her sholders and her fire colored hair hanging in her face. From a gap in her hair that hangs infront of her face, she stares at all with a red eye.*

2005-05-08 [shardae le fae]: *grins* As I said, Hello, I'm Shardae or Skyfa (which I use for my many vampire rps).

2005-05-08 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *she looks to Shrade and sais in a calm, almost emotionless voice "Hello. I am Shadofang. If I were to list my blooodlines and where they are from, we would be here a while." She almost seems to grin*

2005-05-08 [shardae le fae]: *Grins* You seem a bit into yourself. Oh well, who truelly isn't into themselves at some point?

2005-05-08 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Well. No. I just have alot of bloodlines...that I wasnt supost to have. If you wanted me to introduse myself fully, it would take some time for me to say.

2005-05-09 [kdfjhg]: *sighs* wats up?

2005-05-09 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *shrugs* Nuthing realy. *leans on a wall staring into nothingness*

2005-05-09 [iCh3wi]: *glides down off of grave stone* It's weird, Im half Cherokee Indian, but part Vampyre. In our sacred religion, being what I am is forbidden. My grandmother is the head of our family, she really disapproves of my ways. Luckily Im not the only one. Its me and my cousin Jacklynne who are part Vampyres. But she lives in West Virginia, and Im in Texas.

2005-05-09 [shardae le fae]: I'm not all sure that there is such thing as a blood line of vampirism..but if it's your belief then I guess you are right....I just know that the only vampire I believe I come from is Alexandrius

2005-05-09 [iCh3wi]: I know I come from one called Demitrius, but as for my cousins, I do not know. In our belief, we belive in pure bloods lines (kind of like Harry Potter exept no muggle stuff). Our idea of blood lines come from the idea of family names. Such as my family's cherokee name is Crowe, and mine is Silent Crowe.

2005-05-09 [shardae le fae]: I see..well I just know I probably got my thing in for this because of Alexandrius.

2005-05-09 [kdfjhg]: i don't know if anyone in my family is a freak like me....

2005-05-09 [Katherine]: oh dear god. its turned commercial. why are you all trying to impress each other? remember? Use to INFORM not IMPRESS. YOu cant just look at something like this as say... oooh. me likey me wantie. It does not work like that. What you are thinking of is fantasy vampyrism. Great for roleplay and romantic vampyre sex but in reality not alike this. It's not a passed down thing. It doesn't come from 'blood lines' or such. Good lord. calm down people. I know its exciting and such, but remember, we are not immortal or anything. Dont take this too far, or it will end up like that God damn 'Young vampires' wiki back on elftown. *growls* if half of them saw blood i bet they'd faint...

2005-05-09 [Katherine]: ... anyway, rant over. I just dont want to see this rare streak of truth being commercialised and used by poseurs worldwide. Remember, we are hardly different from humans at all. But, i know the temptation of portraying vampyrism more romantically... remember to make it obvbious that it is roleplay, not what you think you are. because, you will be ridiculed. Last note, why such an emphasis on blood. Why so many Sanguines? Where are all my fellow psys? *leans back into dark corner and awaits a reply*

2005-05-09 [*_*]: hey whats new all

2005-05-09 [iCh3wi]: Hmmm, I cant think of a reply Nymp. Sry. :(

2005-05-09 [Katherine]: tis fine. just thought i should speak up kinda. being me. so, who has donars? :P

2005-05-09 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *she continues to lean on a wall, staring into nothing ness, not paying atention to the ones around her*

2005-05-09 [iCh3wi]: I have 3, all really close friends, they don't really mind much.

2005-05-09 [Katherine]: i have two serious ones, and the odd few who i dont take from that often. One is my partner, who is alike us, so we alternate months and things. The other is visiting me in half term. Ive missed him so much...

2005-05-09 [iCh3wi]: I really only trust the three. They have been my long time companions and I trust them a lot. I don't like finding random ones, for some odd reason it has always freaked me out, I have no clue why.

2005-05-09 [Katherine]: i can usually sense who is and who isnt alike myself, and take from them. random taking when im desperate is from humans. i sometimes never see them again. but hey. i love the other two... so much...

2005-05-09 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *she listens to them quietly then shifts how she leans on the wall*

2005-05-09 [iCh3wi]: I swear I hate it when I get complaints for staring a new wiki. I must get at leats 8 complaints a day beacuse of my Lords of EPwiki! Why can't people just accept new things and not worry about old stuff?

2005-05-09 [Katherine]: talk shadow, enlighten us with your soul

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